Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mallory is here!

Mallory was born on March 24 at 4:42pm. She was 7 lb 9oz and 20.5 inches. She is beautiful. She looks like Christopher did as a baby, except she has a lot of dark brown hair. She is a week old now. Last night was the first night that she slept well. I don't remember it being this difficult when Christopher was born. We are blessed with two healthy adorable children.

Our first family photo.
Going home as a family.
After her first bath at home.

She is an adorable baby.

Christopher is adjusting. Tony went and picked Christopher up from daycare about 30 minutes after Mallory was born. When Christopher came into the hospital room, he looked around and said "Where is Mallory's Mom and Dad?" I told him that we were Mallory's Mom and Dad and he said "I have to share?" But now he knows that she is ours and even said he wanted Mom and Mallory to come home with him and Daddy. Christopher bought Mallory a present when she came home. It is a pink seahorse, he is very proud of his purchase.
Tony and I are doing well, we are both tired this week. Mallory was crying a lot during the night this week. We have make some changes to my diet and her bed position and things seem to be better. I hope.

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