Sunday, June 22, 2008

Busy times...

Tony went to pick Christopher up from daycare and Christopher didn't want to leave because he loved playing in the little tikes car. Tony said everyday that is the toy he is in -- so Daddy bought him his very own. Christopher likes to climb through the window like Bo Duke.

We have been super busy. The Life2Orphans yard sale was at the beginning of the month. It was a lot of work but we made $500 for the kids. I am hoping to have another fundraiser this summer. I want to raise enough money to buy 100 sets of bedding.

Momma and Christopher at sale. My mom is in back ground. Christopher is wearing his harness leash - it may sound cruel - but he loves it. He was very good while at the sale.
The next weekend, Angela and Doug had a work seminar to attend - so their 3 kids (15 yrs, 2 yrs, 8 months) spend the weekend at our house. Christopher really enjoyed Olivia (2yrs) - but didn't like Cooper (baby) very much. Cooper took too much of his Momma's time. Hannah (15) was super helpful with all the kids - she is a very good big sister.

Olivia making cookies with Hannah. Olivia being the big sis and holding Cooper's bottle.

We had the flood of 08 - the same weekend that the kids were over- our cellar was filled with water - so Tony spend 2 days pumping and drying out our water heater and furnace. We were very lucky - we did not get affected near as bad as many people in the area.

Since the weather has been so nice - we have been going on walks around town each night and playing at the park.
Christopher still doesn't stay many words - but he does say "Mommy" very clear now. I love to hear it - and he melts my heart with his pretty blue eyes. He has been saying Dadda for six months!
I have a personal accomplishment too - I have been attending weight watchers since February and as of last week, I have lost a total of 30 lbs. That is more than my boys weighs (he is at 27lbs). I feel so much better and much more like myself.