Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Christopher and I walked in the Christmas parade Friday night. His daycare led Santa to the holiday shop on the square. He liked the firetruck and eating the candycane. He didn't notice Santa but there was a man dressed in a giant dog suit - for Arrons Rental - he thought he was pretty cool (from a distance). One of the daycare mothers brought the kids Santa hats. Again I thought he was too little and wouldn't want one -- until he kept saying "Mamma.. hat.. Mamma.. hat". So that forced me to be a little social and go talk to the other mother to get my kid a Santa hat. I made Christopher wear a toboggan underneath of his because it was freezing standing outside. Christopher loves his holiday hat and has worn it everyday since. The 2nd picture is Saturday morning.

The great thing about having a child is that I can force my opinion on him for a few years. Here he is showing his support for President Obama. And the next is just a cute picture of my little boy.

This is what goes on around our house on the holidays and everyday. This is Mason (boxer), Tom (cat) and Brito (rot) relaxing after a big Thanksgiving dinner.

Monday, November 24, 2008

School Pictures

Not to be outdone by my friend Hoover - who posts new pics every other day -- here are Christopher's 1st school pictures (taken at Daycare) -- These are a 2 months old - but it takes me awhile to get things scanned - enjoy my handsome boy

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Christopher and Libby Dancing

I was watching my friend Jen Hoovers daughter (Libby) dance on her blogspot - when Christopher climbed up on top of the computer desk and started dancing with her -- of course the best dancing I missed due to slow reflexs of the camera --- but how funny. If it were not so funny - I wouldn't show you how messy my desk is in the picture.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Big Helper

Christopher helping me with the dishwasher. He puts the silverware away. He knows which drawer they go into.

But he is too short to see in the drawer - so he just opens it - and tosses them up into the drawer.
I have to go back and fix them - when he leaves the room.

Another trip to the pumpkin patch.

My niece and nephew - Avery and Rodney spent the night with us - so we went to the patch again. The older kids ran the "corn maze" while Uncle Tony, Christopher and I waited. The kids each picked a pumpkin and Tony and I got a coffee at Starbucks - fun for everyone.
Christopher being BIG.

Avery , Christopher, Rodney and our Jack-O-Lanterns

This is Christopher's -- he just stabbed the pumpkin 100 times with the knife -- Yes I let my baby play with a knife!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

Christopher was a giraffe for the party at school on Tuesday. He hated the costume and cried a lot. So for Friday day at school he was a pumpkin. And for trick or treat - we changed costumes to be a pirate. He liked that costume the most. He loves to wear a toboggan hat. So we put the bandanna on the toboggan. He also was very fond of the pirate sword.

We went to Angela's house on Halloween night and walked around with her kids. Christopher started out in the stroller - we stopped at each house and got out of the stroller to go to the door. I have a rule that if your kid is too little to walk to the house - then they are too little to get candy. After the first few houses - he decided that he would walk. He did a great job. He told everyone "thank you" -- though he doesn't talk very loudly. He couldn't say Happy Halloween -but did say "Halloween" or "Hi" when he came to the house. He was a little afraid of some of the other costumes - he was not afraid of the witches or bloody killer costumes -- but there was a kid dressed like a werewolf that he was afraid to pass on the sidewalk.
Ang's little girl - Olivia. My camera died so I do not have pictures of the other kids.
One house gave him a CapriSun juice box. It made his bag heavy - so I was going to take it out and put it in the stroller -- He said "Mine, Mine". So he carried the heavy bag.

We then went to Ang's house to wait for the parade. The fire department leads a parade to the VFW where they have a Halloween party with treats, prizes and snacks. Christopher loved the firetruck and was not afraid of the sirens. He walked behind the firetruck all the way. Then he wanted to look at it up close. The fireman let him look around inside of the truck. He had a fun night all around.

My little boy is growing up.

Christopher is 21 months old. I rock him before bed each night. I know it takes time for my schedule each night - and it would be easier to make him just lay down - but he and I enjoy it. He usually lays across my lap (like a baby) until he is really tired then he turns around and lays his belly on mine and cuddles like a frog. One night this week - he wanted to sit beside me in the rocking chair and fell asleep that way -- Momma cried a little. But the next night he was backing to rocking the old way. My little boy is growing up.

On Halloween night - I was running around trying to get the snacks ready - and trying to get all the costumes ready -- and Christopher was under my feet - I told him to go find Daddy while I was busy --- While I was in the bathroom - he came to the door and said "Momma, Momma... I want to talk to you" - that was the first full sentence he has said. My little boy is growing up.