Friday, March 21, 2008

Big Big Boy

Christopher is so big. Tony sent me a pic of him yesterday with a ball cap on and he looked like a little boy. He is saying more words. He is saying "bye". Tony was on the phone with Chris and before hanging up Tony said Bye and the Christopher said Bye - Tony had to call Chris back so they could do it again!. Yesterday he said bye every time you left the room or put your coat on or talked on the phone.

It is amazing how much he learns from us when we are not trying to teach him. He is doing new things everyday - he will pick up a shoe from the living room floor and try to put it on Tony's foot. He knows that he has to give me his arms to get his shirt on. He can eat with a spoon very well - he has good coordination. We played with Lego blocks (thanks, Lisa) yesterday for the first time - he loved building and tearing down - mostly tearing down. I think we will take that toy on vacation. He is climbing and running - he is a rough and tough boy.

I am going to have 2 fundraisers for Life2Orphans this summer. In May I am going to have a yardsale - if you have anything to donate that we can sell - please give me a call. We are going to store everything at the Broadway house until the sale. In July (during the GB Carshow) we are going to have an Open house - in the empty store front of Angela's building. We are going to have a silent auction and prizes - it will be open to the public - so I hope the car show visitors stop in. If you have any items that you would like to donate to the silent auction - please call me. If you want to help - I would love it.
check us out at

My baby is awake - my day begins.


Anonymous said...
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Libby's Mama said...

Hi 'Nita! I just wanted to let you know I have started my own blog page as well....don't expect much, I just started it yesterday!