Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christopher's First Christmas

Christopher's first Christmas!! What a great time we had at Christmas. Christopher loved all the excitement and all the visiting. He really loves playing with other kids. Christopher figured out "opening" the presents at the end of the day - on the very last present he did it by himself. Christopher and I went to see Santa 2 times - both times he was very afraid of that scarry man and cried. Maybe next year.

Angela bought Christopher and Olivia matching PJs for Christmas Eve - they were so cute - Christopher is almost as big as Liv even though she is 8 months older than him.

Christmas morning we opened stockings at home. Christopher was a little scared to stick his hand into his stocking -but figured it out with some help. He took this hat out of daddy's stocking.

He loved his matchbox car. It tasted great.

It is amazing to watch him learn -from the time he opens a toy until he masters which buttons do what. He pushing cars around and makes a Vroom sound - where did he learn that?

Christopher relaxing in his new chair.

Christopher received so many wonderful gifts. We are so blessed to have family and friends that love our son so much. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and has a safe New Year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He looks so big in his chair! what a sweet picture!